My name is bella, I am a friend of Lea’s and Tristans from Australia. I just wanted to say I am so so sorry for your loss! I can’t even imagine how you and your family are feeling, but I just wanted to write a little message just describing how awesome of a friend Tristan was. We first met when I came and visited lea in Mannheim and I remember feeling a little left out because I was the only one that couldn’t speak German and tristan was the one who came and talked to me to make me feel included. This really made me feel a part of the group and it was so lovely. Later on, lea had a little house gathering and I remember all dancing around the living room and having such a blast. Tristan was the life of the party and could always put a smile on everyone’s faces. A few months later when lea came to Australia, I had planned a trip down to Byron bay where we met Tristan! Again, as soon as we met he made us feel so included with his friends and we had such a fun and memorable weekend. I remember one night we were on our way to go to a club and stopped at dominos beforehand (a pizza shop) and there was a lady having trouble with a worker and Tristan managed to start up conversation and calmed her down. These little actions really show a lot about a person and he had a very big heart with lots of love. Once we got to the club we danced and danced, and he would never leave our side. You see, here in Australia lots of the boys at clubs would leave there friends to go dance with girls and whatnot, but not Tristan he wanted to make sure we were all safe and having fun. These all seem like such little things but I will always remember them and that beautiful person Tristan was. Sending all my regards and condolences,